Small world story...
On November 30, 2024, the Christmas trees that were purchased by the generosity of the Pleasant Valley community were loaded into trailers located at Hahn Farm in Salt Point. These trees were to be distributed by Trees For Troops. Trees for Troops is a country-wide organization that provides free Christmas trees to military families.
Who would have ever imagined that one of the trees would end up at a North Carolina Marine Corps base to a granddaughter of a former Chief of the Pleasant Valley Fire District?
Jessica and Noah Burlison live in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina where Noah is stationed in the United States Marine Corps. Last week they and many other military families received a Christmas tree courtesy of the Trees for Troops organization.
What are the chances that it would come from her hometown fire company, the Salt Point Fire Company. The same fire company that her grandfather, Past Chief Earl EJ Day, was a long-time member?
The chances of a Christmas tree from Salt Point Fire Company ending up with a granddaughter of a former Chief to a Marine base in North Carolina are indeed quite slim. It's a wonderful and unexpected connection, highlighting the far-reaching impact of local community initiatives and the sacrifices made by military families.
Such coincidences often spark joy and a sense of community, especially during the holiday season.
It's a heartwarming story that underscores the interconnectedness of people, even across great distances. |