Leading The Charge For First Responder Health And Wellness
December 7, 2024

Pleasant Valley Fire District's own Commissioner Melissa Lawlor has been newly appointed to the U.S. Fire Administration’s Firefighter Health and Wellness Task Force.

Melissa is shaping national strategies to address the unique challenges facing first responders. This prestigious role builds on decades of dedicated service at the local, state and federal level.

She has also co-authored key policies, including the national Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the fire service and played a vital role in implementing the PUMP Act in fire stations across the country.

Commissioner Lawlor is a recognized national speaker expert in first responder health and wellness. This unique blend of local dedication and federal expertise, committed to building a safer, stronger fire district for the future.

Congratulation on this prestigious appointment!